Tuesday, 10 November 2015

SharePoint Interview Questions

1. What is Microsoft SharePoint?
Ans. Microsoft SharePoint is a browser-based collaboration and document management platform. It allows groups to set up a centralized, password-protected space for document sharing.

2. What are web parts?
Ans. WebParts are packages that can be dropped on the sharepoint web part page.

3. Who is the father of Microsoft SharePoint?

Ans. Jeff Teper

4. What is CAML?

Ans. CAML stands for Collaborative Application Markup Language. It is XML based markup language that is used in Microsoft Sharepoint.

5. What are the zones in SharePoint?

Ans. Zones provide separate authentication for the same web application.

6. How many zones we can create for each web application?

Ans. we can create 5 zones for each web application.
         1. Default
         2. Intranet
         3. Extranet
         4. Internet
         5. Custom

7. What is DWP?
Ans. It is a web part file extension.

8. What is the central administration?

Ans. This is a site used by admins to manage and configure settings.

9. What is SharePoint Theme?
Ans. It contains files which defines look and feel of content pages in SharePoint.

10. What is custom action?

Ans. It represents link, toolbar button,menu item o any control that can be added to the toolbar or                menu that appears in the UI.

11. What are the type of input forms that can be created for the WorkFlow in SharePoint?
Ans. We can create different type of input forms like
         An association form
         An initiation form
         A modification form
         A task edit form

12. How to create an instance of the list?
Ans. We can create instance of the list by creating an instance XML file.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

IOS Interview Questions

1. What is iOS?
Ans. It is an operating system used in mobile devices manufactured by Apple Inc.

2. Who is the father of iOS?
Ans. Scott Forstall

3. Which programming language is used to develop iOS applications?
Ans. Objective C and C.

4. Which JSON framework is used in iOS?
Ans SBJson framework is used by iOS.

5. What are the tools required to develop iOS applications?
Ans. Intel-based Macintosh computer and iOS SDK.

6. Who invented Objective-C?
Ans. Broad cox and Tom love

7. How to store data locally in the iPhone?
Ans. Plist

8. What are the app states in iOS?
Ans. 1. Not running State
         2. Inactive State
         3. Active State
         4. Background State
         5. Suspended State

9. How many bytes we can send to apple push-notification server?
Ans. 256 bytes

10. Does iOS support multi-tasking?
Ans. iOS 4 and above supports multitasking.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

35 - Android Interview Questions

1.  What is Android?
Ans. Android is an open-source, Linux based operating system that is used in mobile devices.

2. Who is the father of Android?

Ans. Rubin

3. What is an Activity?

Ans. Activity is a User interface single screen.

4. Explain life-cycle methods of android activity.

Ans. onCreate()

5. Name the database used in Android.

Ans. SQLite

6. What are the advantages of Android?

Ans. 1. Open Source
         2. Platform independent
         3. It supports various technologies
         4. Highly optimized virtual machine

7. Explain Android Architecture.

Ans. Android Architecture contains 4 key components.
         1. Linux Kernel
         2. Libraries
         3. Android Framework
         4. Android Applications

8. Write important items of the Android Project.

Ans. AndroidManifest.xml

9. Write tools required for developing Android Apps.

Ans. JDK
        Eclipse + ADT Plugin
        SDK Tools

10. Which language is used to develop android apps?

Ans Java and XML

11. Write a full form of ADT.

Ans. Android Development Tools.

12. What is the difference between mobile app testing and mobile testing?

Ans. Mobile app testing means testing the application features on a mobile device and mobile testing means testing the mobile features like SMS, Call, etc.

13. Which are the core components of the Android OS?

Ans. Here are listed the core components of Android OS
        Content provider
14. What is an ANR notification in android?
Ans ANR means application not responding, Android display this dialog when the application has been unresponsive for a long time.

15. What is the 'Application' class?

Ans. Application class is the main class which is initialized before anything else in android. It is the primary class which contains the most important elements for the actions and the services.

16. What is the use of an Adapter in Android?

Ans. Adapters are used to connect the AdapterView with an external source of data.

17. What is the use of OnCreate() and OnStart() method?

Ans. The OnCreate() method is called only once during the lifecycle when the application starts and when the activity is recreated.
OnStart() method is called after the OnCreate() method whenever the activity becomes visible to the user.

18. Where to declare your activity so that the system can access it?

Ans. The activity can be declared in the manifest file.
        For Example:
        <activity android:name=".EmployeeActivity">

19. What is the intent?

Ans. Android has an intent class that displays a notification from the device to the user when the user is navigated from one activity to another.

20. How many types of intent class are there?

Ans. There are 2 types of intent classes.
         1. Implicit Intents
         2. Explicit Intents
         Implicit Intents calls the components while explicit intent invokes the activity class.

21. Where we can define the icon for the Activity?
Ans. In manifest file

22. What is a Toast Notification?
Ans. Toast Notification is a message that pops up on the top of the window. 

23. What are the different storage methods in Android?
Ans. There are two types of storage methods in Android.
         1. Shared Preferences: Store private primitive data in key-value pairs.
         2. Internal Storage: Store private data in device memory.

24. What is broadcast reciever?
Ans. It is a component of android which is used to listen important events.

25. How to start a reciever?
Ans. using sendBroadcast() method.

26. How to kill receiver?
Ans. using abortBraodcast() method.

27. How to pass data to fragment?
Ans. using setArguments() method.

28. What is fragment?
Ans. Fragment is the re-usable UI componet.

29. What are containers?
Ans. Containers hold objects and widgets together like labels, buttons, and fields, etc..

30. How do you start fragment?
Ans. Using FragmentManager, FragmentTransaction, and add() method.

31. How to destroy fragment?
Ans. using fragmenttransaction.Backstack method.

32. What are Services?
Ans. Services run in the background and acts independently.

33. What is AndroidManifest.xml file?
And. The AndroidManifest.xml file is the structured XML file. Every application must have an AndroidManifest.xml file in its root directory. It holds important information about the application.
34. What is .apk extension?

Ans. Application Package Kit is used for the installation of Android apps. It contains resource files, manifest files, certificate, and other code.

35. Which dialog boxes are used in the Android platform?
Ans. 1. AlertDialog
         2. ProgressDialog
         3. TimePickerDialog
         4. DatePickerDialog


Wednesday, 21 October 2015

AngularJS Interview Questions

1. What is AngularJS?
Ans. AngularJS is a Javascript Framework. It is lightweight. It is a client-side MVC framework for creating dynamic web applications.

2. Does AngularJS use the Jquery library?
Ans. Yes

3. Who is the father of AngularJS?
Ans. Misko Hevery

4. What is Scope in AngularJS?
Ans. Scope refers to the application model. They act as the glue between controller and view.

5. When AngularJS was released?
Ans. 2009

6. Is AngularJS an open source?
Ans. Yes.

7. In which language AngularJS is written?
Ans. Javascript

8. Explain the key features of AngularJS.
Ans. Scope
        Data Binding
        Dependency Injection

9. Name the browsers which support AngularJS.
Ans.  Safari
         Opera 15
         Mobile browsers

10. What are directives in AngularJS?
Ans.  Directives are used to add new attributes of HTML.

11. What are the different types of directives?
Ans. Element directives
         Attribute directives
         CSS Class directives
         Comment directives

Saturday, 10 October 2015

23 - JSON Interview Questions

1.  What is the full form of JSON?
Ans Javascript Object Notation.

2.  What is JSON?
Ans. JSON is text-based human-readable data - interchange format.

3.  Who is the father of JSON?
Ans. Douglas Crockford.

4. How to parse JSON object to Javascript object?
Ans. Using Json.parse method

5. Name the browsers which support JSON.

Ans.  Firefox 3.5
         Opera 10
         Internet Explorer 8

6. What is the MIME type of JSON?
Ans. "application/json"

7.  Which function is used to convert a JSON text into an Object?

Ans. eval() function

8. Which are the Data types supported by JSON?
Ans.  Number, String, Boolean, Array, Object, NULL

9.  What is JSON Parser?
Ans. JSON Parser is used to parse the JSON data into Objects.

10.  JSON Syntax.
Ans. JSON data is written as name/value pairs.
for Example : "Firstname" : "Sapna"

11. How to convert Javascript object to JSON?

Ans. JSON.stringify(Obj); method is used to convert javascript object to JSON.

12. List the benefits of JSON over XML.

Ans. It is faster & lighter than XML.
         XML data is all in the string while JSON can be interger, string, Array, Boolean

13. Which data types are used in JSON?
Ans. Number

14. What is the file extension of the json file?
Ans. .json

15. Describe the syntax of JSON?
         {"firstName": "Sapna" , "Department" : "Asp.net"},
         {"firstName": "Zia", "Department" : "Java" }

16. Which function is used to convert JSON text into an object?
Ans. "eval"

17. What are the limitations of JSON?
Ans. JSON does not support comments
        It does not handle very complex data.
        It does not support multimedia formats like Images.

18. Is JSON programming language?
Ans. No JSON is not a programming language but it is the format to exchange data.

19. What is toJSON() method in JSON?
Ans. toJSON() method returns a string representation of Date object.

20. What is JSONP?
Ans. JSONP is the JSON with padding. JSONP sends data without any cross-domain issues.

21. What is JSON Viewer?
Ans. JSON Viewer represents data in more friendly manner.

22. What is the common use of JSON?
Ans. The common use of JSON is to exchange data from source to destination via API.

23. How to parse json in JQuery?
Ans. $json = '{"name":"Sapna","Designation":"Asp.Net Team Leader"}';
$obj = json_decode($json);
if(is_null($obj)) {
 die('Invalid JSON');


21 - Jquery Interview Questions

1. What is jQuery?
Ans. JQuery is a Lightweight Javascript Library.

2. What is the alias for jQuery?

Ans. dollar sign ($) is used as an alias in jQuery.

3.Types of selectors in jQuery.

Ans. 1. Class selectors
         2. ID selectors
         3. Element selectors

4. What are the slow selectors in jQuery?

Ans. Class selectors are slow compared to ID and Element.

5. Who is the founder of jQuery?

Ans. John Resig

6. What is the difference between Javascript and Jquery?

Ans. Javascript is the language and Jquery is the library built in the Javascript language.

7. How to check the data type of any variable in Jquery?

Ans. Using $.type(Object)

8. How to Hide Elements in Jquery?

Ans. Using hide()
         For Example : $("#ID").hide();

9. Is Jquery a W3C standard?

Ans. No

10. Which sign does Jquery use as a shortcut for Jquery?

Ans. $ sign.

11. List down Jquery effects methods.

Ans. Show()

12. Which Jquery command used to check the version of Jquery?

Ans, $.ui.version

13. What is JQuery.noConflict?

Ans. JQuery.noConflict is used to overcome the conflicts between different JQuery frameworks.

14. What is the use of the JQuery.each() function?

Ans. JQuery.each() function is used to loop through the collection or array.

15. What is the use of the .first() function?

Ans. .first() function returns first element of the selected element.

16. What is the use of the .last() function?

Ans. .last() function returns last element of the selected element.

17. What is the use of the next() method?

Ans. next() method returns the next sibling element of the selected element.

18. What is the use of the prev() method?

Ans. prev() method returns the previous sibling method of the selected element.

19. What is the use of the parent() function?

Ans. parent() function returns the parent element of the selected element.

20. What is the use of the children() function?

Ans. children() function returns the children elements of the selected element.

21. What is the use of the siblings() function?

Ans. siblings() function returns all the sibling elements of the selected element.

Monday, 3 August 2015

23 - Javascript Interview questions

1. What is JavaScript?

Ans Javascript is a client-side scripting language that is understood by browsers.

2. What is the use of isNaN function?

Ans isNan() function returns true if the variable is not number otherwise it returns false.

3. Define this keyword in javascript.

Ans this keyword used to point the current object in the code.

4. Is JavaScript case sensitive?

Ans Yes

5. What is the syntax to use the external javascript file?

Ans.  <script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script>

6. How to write a comment in javascript?

Ans. 1. // test comment
        2. /* test comment */

7. How do you change the style/class on any element?

Ans. document.getElementById("Id").style.fontSize = "";
        document.getElementById("Id").className = “anyclass”;

8.  What data types are supported in Javascript?

Ans. Number, String, Undefined, null, Boolean

9. How to disable control using Javascript?

Ans. document.getElementById("Id").disabled="true"

10. How to make control read-only using Javascript?

Ans. document.getElementById("Id").readOnly="true"

11. Which company developed JavaScript?

Ans. NetScape

12. How to submit a form using javascript?

Ans. using docuemnt.form[0].submit();

13. Explain the difference between "==" and "==="?

Ans. "==" check the equality only while "===" checks the equality as well as the type.

14. What would be the result of 4+3+"7"?

Ans. 77

15. What will be the output of the following ?

var x=10;
var y=x++;
var z=++x;
Ans. x=12 , y=10 , z=12.

16. What will be the output of the following?

0 == -0
Ans. true

17. What will be the output of the following?

var x;
if(typeof x === 'undefined')
Ans. true

18. How can we empty the array in javascript?

Ans. var array=['1','2','3'];

19. How to check the object is an array or not?

Ans. using Array.isArray[array_variable]

20. What will be the output of the following condition?

Ans. if(Number("1")==1)
Ans. true

21. What is the use of Number.isInteger method?

Ans. Number.isInteger is used to check whether the value is number or not.
        For Example :
      This condition is true.

22. How can we read the properties of an object in Javascript?
Ans. using dot(.) notation.

23. What is the difference between "var" and "let" keywords?
Ans.  "var"  has function scope and "let" has block scope.

SQL server tricky questions